Your couch is made up of various materials depending upon the comfort and price. There are various contaminants that can be present on your sofa. There are several couch dust chemicals that can lead to dangerous diseases. To stop the contaminants from taking over your couch, you will have to take couch cleaning expert help. Let us ask you a question, Know Contaminants In Your Sofa And Couch-They Can Be Limitless.

Know Contaminants In Your Sofa And Couch For Your Good Health:
Know Contaminants In Your Sofa And Couch- They Can Be Limitless? We have listed here all contaminants that can be harmful in various ways.
Flame Retardant Chemicals- Flame retardant chemicals are the most common type of chemicals that are found in couches and sofas. They can result in many diseases. The most common flame retardant chemical found is Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs). This is the most common type of flame-retardant chemical found in couches, sofas, mattresses and many other furniture items. These chemicals are known for causing neurodevelopmental delays, hormone disruption and lowering your IQ as well. These mainly affect the health of the kids.
Bleach– The Bleaching powder used for cleaning your couch and other things can also contain many chemicals that can cause severe health-related issues such as respiratory disorders and common obstructive pulmonary diseases, so it is suggested to avoid the use of bleach for cleaning the sofa and couches.
Carcinogens- Do You Know What You Are Sitting On? Carcinogens are also a type of chemicals that are the most dangerous chemicals that can cause cancers in humans. These are one type of chemicals that are also present in sofas and couches.
Chemical-Based Cleaners- There are many chemical-based products that are used for cleaning couches and sofas. These contain many types of chemicals that are safe and there are also some chemicals that are dangerous for humans and the environment as well. You can use chemical-free products instead of chemical-based cleaners. Homemade solutions such as baking soda and vinegar can be used as a replacement for these cleaners. They are effective and safe for everyone.
Problems Caused By These Contaminants
Do You Know What You Are Sitting On? There are many problems that can be caused if there are harmful contaminants present in your sofas and couches. These contaminants are basically present if your sofas are not dried properly after cleaning them which results in the accumulation of the chemicals. Some of the common problems caused by the contaminants are-
- Health Hazards- Health hazards are mainly caused due to the harmful chemicals used for cleaning the couch and sofas. Respiratory disorders, skin infections and many other dangerous problems can be caused due to the contaminants. People usually inhale these contaminants and they start to act on their organs causing all the problems.
- Decreasing The Lifespan Of The Couch And Sofas- This is another common problem you will notice when you have harmful contaminants in your sofas and couches. The fabric of the couch gets affected and can get permanently damaged if it is exposed to these contaminants.
- Effects The Outer Environment- These contaminants will not only affect the sofas but they move out in the environment and can even cause problems to other living things by mixing in the air.
Precautions To Prevent These Contaminants
Do You Know What You Are Sitting On? You must be careful for your good health. You can follow these prevention tips.
- Regular Cleaning- Regular cleaning is one of the ways by which you can avoid contaminants becoming more dangerous and causing any problems. You can either do the cleaning using homemade cleaning products or you can even use eco-friendly products available in the market.
- Use Chemical-Free Cleaning Products- There are many products that are used for cleaning the couches but not all the products are safe for your sofas. There are many products that contain harmful chemicals that can affect the health of your sofas and couches. Make sure to check the label and only buy the sofas and couches that are chemical-free.
- Avoid Renting Couch And Sofas From Unauthorised Rentals- Renting a couch from an unauthorised company can create problems for you. There are more chances of the presence of contaminants in them. So always go for authorised rental services.
Why Hire Professionals To Save Your Couch And Health?
Do You Know What You Are Sitting On? It is impossible to get rid of all the contaminants from the couches with DIYs but professional couch cleaning can help in getting rid of most of the contaminants from the couches. The tools used by professionals are effective and useful for removing all kinds of stains and contaminants from couches and sofas.
If you are looking for chemical-free couch cleaning services in Canberra you can hire professionals at CBD couch cleaning Canberra. We are very well-trained and experienced in cleaning all types of couches and sofas using the best tools. This company has even won many awards for their best couch cleaning services. Here you can avail of many offers and discounts for cleaning your couches. To get your couch cleaning quote give us a call now on 02 6105 9869.
Published on: February 26, 2023
Last updated on: September 21, 2023